Goodhue County Republican Party
PO Box 518
Red Wing, MN 55066
Goodhue County Republican Officers
Goodhue County Republicans is led by an excellent team of hard working and passionate patriots!

Phillip Muehring
BPOU Chair
(507) 757-8483

Matt Belford
Deputy Chair

Steve Voigt

Nancy Seddon
Deputy Treasurer

Jack Schlichting
Finance Chair


Kevin Amundson
1. Communications
This team to works on various communication needs, such as, newsletter, website, contact list, social media, editorials and more!
2. BPOU Functions
This team works on keeping our Constitution & By Laws up to date as well as operating guidelines such as, order of operations, parliamentarian needs, resolutions and so forth.
3. Events & Outreach
This team works to put on various events and activities throughout the year such as parades, fairs, community events and Republican gatherings. The purpose for each event varies between networking, socializing, fundraising, and public awareness.
4. Elections & Campaigns
This team works to Get out the Vote, provide support to candidates, and materials for public use. Organizing a temporary “Victory Center” during key election season if determined as a need.
5. Education & Training
Education – Help formulating information material for the general public regarding current issues, legislation, platform topics and ways to be involved.
Training – How specifically to get involved in civics. What is and how to apply to be an Election Judge, what is caucus? How does a convention work? When to use Robert’s Rules of Order. What does it take to run for office. Ect.
6. Relationships
This team works on community relations and works to build a repour with the community, community leaders and people of influence, and both elected and appointed officials at every level of government.
7. Focused Interest Group
Every citizen has a special interest to focus on. A 2023 survey reveled the following as the 3 main areas of special interest to Goodhue County Republicans.
➢ Election Integrity
➢ Promoting the Value of Life
➢ Protecting the 2nd Amendment
The above are broad aspects of each committee. What a team focuses on will be determined by the make up of the volunteers involved. There will also undoubtedly be overlap between one or more of the above committees. For instance, caucus is an Event, that involves the Function of endorsing candidates for an upcoming Election. Communication, collaboration, and a focus on the task and goal at hand will be key for success.